Purchase of Ilha do Retiro was a courage act by a group formd by Francisco Cribari, José Medici, Renato Silveira, the Loyo brothers and some other supporters. For a long time, they have in mind Sport's home. But they wanted a large ground, capable of host both home and stadium. Of course, it values a lot of money, even at that time, the 30's. The group didn't surrender. When "Companhia de Construções Residenciais do Rio Grande do Sul", a.k.a. "Casa Própria", installed at Recife, Cribar dealed a 100 contos de réis (brazilian currency at that time). But it was necessary a deposit of 25 contos de réis to begin the contract. So, the group sold trophies, medals, promoted parties and raise money from some rich people. They got the money and signed papers. One year later, Sport had a 50 contos de réis credit.  

One day, in the end of 1935, Renato Silveira, manager of "Banco de Crédito Rural de Pernambuco", told that an excellent cottage, with 14 hectares, at Afogados parish, Ilha do Retiro, nº 56, was in his hands. Manuel Amaral's widow don't have conditions to pay the debts to the bank and would give the property to pay the bill. Renato assured that would cease to Sport for the same price of the debt, 53 contos de réis. Then, Ilha do Retiro was bought, a big deal ven at that time. Documents were signed by Luiz José da Silva uimaráes Junior, in name of Sport, and Arnaldo Olinto, in name of the bank. There were some other expenses, but it was all solved and the papers were signed at Henrique Cavalcanti's registry office, on March 3rd, 1936. The ground had a preserved large house, which became the first Sport's home. Now, just missing the field.

Ilha do Retiro - 1936:  our first home

Works at future Stadium was in a good pace, since Ilha do Retiro was bought. At first, a basketball court. After, on March, 1937, Sport inaugurated his first tennis court, modern and well illuminated.

In the same period, people take care of football field construction. The grass was separated by the crowd by 225 cement boards, with a colored simbol of the club, in both sides. The crowd could see the match behind the boards, used as a beautiful fence. People brought chairs with them, to have comfort and a better vision of the field.

The cnstruction of terraces, to complete the dream of a stadium, was already being realized. Two architects, Hugo de Azevedo Marques and Palumbo, presented a sketch. Financial problems to build the terraces were solved when Sport solicited 200 contos de réis, loaned by Caixa Econômica Federal (a bank).

Finally, in the afternoon of July 4th, 1937, in a great match among Sport and Santa Cruz, Ilha do Retiro Stadium was being opened. A big crowd appeared and thrilled with many goals. Sport won by 6-5, and it was possible because at that time, squads played with 5 forwards, according to WM system. The star of the match was Artur Dnzi, scoring four goals to Sport. Djalma and Haroldo Praça scored one goal each. Later, Haroldo became a famous sportive journalist at Recife and continues to help his favourite club, as supervisor of Sporet's museum.

Starting line-ups:  
Sport: Muniz, Morato e Gelsomino; Ernesto, Ademar e Amarino; Praça, Djalma, Danzi, Pitota e Pedro Malassombrado.  
Santa Cruz: Neco, Sidinho II e João Martins; Ademar, Rubens e Ernani; Malaquias, Lauro, Tará, Sidinho e Siduca.  
Referee: Arlindo Dubeux.  

A Ilha - 60 Anos da Jovem Senhora, Comunigraf Editora, 1997  

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